Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sammy

Instead of apple and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dessert, tonight four of us shared a chocolate cake after a delicious Italian dinner.  Italian in Ethiopia?  It's one of Samson's favorites, and today is his birthday, so he got to choose the restaurant.  :)

 Sammy has been with us every minute we've been here. Well, except when we sleep.  :)  He helped us coordinate our trip by setting up appointments, lining up a driver (Yelli!), translating for us, and helping us navigate this very different culture.  We have been in touch with him via facebook during the month leading up to this trip, sending messages back and forth and asking him a million and one questions.

When we walked out of the airport on Sunday, we were looking for the man in the facebook picture.  As we scanned faces in the crowd, he emerged and we politely introduced ourselves and shook his hand. We made small talk in the car as we drove to our guest house.   He was an acquaintance, but one we trusted, as he came highly recommended by many friends who had been to Ethiopia previously.

Now, just five short days later, we can honestly say he is a close friend.  We've spent HOURS with him in the car, at various ministries, eating in restaurants.  We've asked him a million and one more questions.  He's patiently taught us words in Amharic and hasn't laughed (too much) at our botched pronunciation.  We met his gorgeous wife and adorable baby.  We've discussed theology and politics and culture.  We know he loves burgers and pizza and chocolate. We've prayed together and we've laughed til our sides hurt.  And today he was by Andy's side all day as he extracted too many teeth to count, and he said he loved it!  (Better you than me, Sammy!)  :)

Sammy's beautiful family

Great teamwork!
 Sammy's heart for Jesus reflects in everything he does.  He has such a gentle heart and a kind way about him.  He truly cares for others and has a strong desire to help those in need.  He's generous with his time, his talents, and his money.  As we have worked alongside him this week, we have gained a deep respect for his humility and love for the least of these.  He adores children and is so good with them.  Although more on the serious side, he is quick to laugh, especially when Andy teases him (How can you be Ethiopian and not like buna?).  :)

Singing with the kids at Embracing Hope
Guacamole and chips and Coke in a bottle - doesn't get much better than that!
 Sammy's the real deal, and we have enjoyed every minute spent with him.  Thank you Sammy, for everything!!  Our lives are truly more rich having met you. May God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.  Much love to you and Happy Birthday!

And to everyone reading, if you are ever in Ethiopia, make sure you get in touch with Sammy!  We've got his number. :)
We got coffee, Samson got ice cream.  :)
Deep conversations at a coffee house

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