Monday, December 23, 2013

While Shepherds Watched

There were shepherds staying in the fields nearby.  Suddenly an angel appeared and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them.  They were terrified!!

"Don't be afraid!  The Savior - the Messiah - has been born in Bethlehem!  You will recognize Him by this - he's the one lying in a manger, wrapped in cloth."

Suddenly that angel was joined by a host of others - the armies of heaven - praising God.  Then they returned to heaven and all was silent again.  The shepherds turned to each other - let's go!

They hurried and found it just as the angel had said.  They marveled at the baby, and after they left, they went and told everyone what they had seen.

"All who heard the shepherds' story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things hidden in her heart, and thought about them often."  

Luke 2:8-21 (paraphrased by me)

Life interrupted.  First, for Mary.  Then, Joseph.  And now, shepherds. Four hundred years had passed since the last prophet heard from God.  400 years of silence - no miracles, no angels, no voices from heaven.

And then Gabriel the angel comes to a young girl with the strangest message yet.  Curious and confused, still she accepts this sacred mission.  "I am the Lord's servant."  And she believed.

But how to explain this to Joseph?  She tries, but he doesn't get it.  He's hurt, betrayed, embarrassed.  So an angel comes to him also, in a dream.  "Do not be afraid, Joseph.  Mary tells the truth.  You will be His daddy, you will name Him Jesus, and He will save His people from their sins."  And Joseph believed.

For nine months they shared this secret between them - watching Mary's belly grow - wondering what He would look like, who He'd look like, how He'd act.  Would he act like a baby or a Messiah?  Maybe Mary had sleepless nights, pondering, wondering, possibly worrying.  Had it all been a dream?  The two angels - maybe it never really happened.

The day came.  He was born.  But there was no angel, no voice from heaven.  He didn't look like a King or a God - just a baby.  A beautiful baby, I am sure, but a baby like all others.  Could this really be the Messiah?

And then noise outside, hurried footsteps, shouts, a knock at the door - and a bunch of dirty, smelly shepherds burst into the tiny stable, speaking of angels and bright light and a Savior in a manger.  And they saw too, and they believed.

"All who heard the shepherd's story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things hidden in her heart, and thought about them often."  Luke 2:19 NLT

I imagine her on the shy side, gentle and kind, one who thinks deeply and guards her words.   I can picture her in this place, quietly observing the commotion, proud smile on her pretty face, heart bursting with emotion.  A soft grin slowly works itself into a full smile, understanding now that God brought these shepherds here for her, to confirm to her wondering mind what she already knew in her heart.  Yes, this is the Messiah, the Savior, the Christ - it is true!  The angels told us too, a whole army of them in the sky!

They were astonished, but she was not.  She had known all along.  She'd had nine months to ponder, to pray, to watch the story unfold in her womb.  Each moment a treasure, leading up to this moment - in this stable, with Joseph and the babe and a ragtag bunch of sheep herders. Sometimes the miracle isn't only in the angels and the lights and the voices, but in the quiet trust of a humble heart.  One who says yes even when nothing makes sense, who sets aside agendas and fears and simply believes. 

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