Thursday, March 8, 2018

Fighting Back, part 1: Introduction

My last blog post on anxiety garnered a surprising response.  I guess I was surprised that so many of you have struggled with this, or are currently struggling.  I had no idea.  This is a subject which for some reason seems to be taboo in spiritual circles.  I'm not exactly sure why that is, but I'm guessing it's because there are certain expectations that a truly faith-filled person should not struggle with anxiety.  It was encouraging to receive texts and messages from others who have felt the same feelings, had the same thoughts, and experienced some of the same things. Giving each other a safe place to talk about our struggles, a place to be vulnerable and not be shamed, and a place to share ideas and resources is not just helpful, I believe it's necessary.  Isolation and shame are the very worst outcomes for someone struggling with anxiety or depression.  We need to be doing the exact opposite:  Throw wide the doors and welcome each other in with compassion and grace.

In that vein, I wanted to use this space to continue the discussion and share ideas, and invite you to do the same.  There are no formulas, no one-size-fits-all plans in this journey.  Each of us has a unique story, and so each of us will be drawn to different methods and avenues towards healing.  I also believe as we grow and encounter new experiences, our methods may need to change.  What worked for me last year may no longer work today.  This is a fluid process and the more we let go of expectations and embrace the ambiguity of growth, the better able we'll be to keep up with our healing process.

I've entitled this Fighting Back because to be passive is to open ourselves up to dangerous territory: listlessness, indifference, and giving up, and a tendency towards unhealthy coping mechanisms that may work for a time, but do not have the staying power for the journey.  Fighting anxiety requires intentionality, determination, and willpower.  It's a daily choice to use the tools we've collected along the way and to invite others in to encourage us and cheer us on.  And when we fail (which we will), we give ourselves grace, but get right back up and keep fighting.

I am working on three more blog posts which will address our spiritual needs (soul), our physical needs (body), and our emotional needs (mind).  I'm really excited to gather these ideas into one place and welcome any comments or suggestions from you. Please feel free to private message, text, or email me any of the tools that have worked for you - I would love to weave those in where I can (I promise I won't use your name)!

Brene Brown says, "Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light." As spiritual beings, our light comes from the source and origin of Light and our true Hope: Jesus.  "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it."  John 1:3

Thank you for being brave with me.